Monday, October 20, 2008

October 2008 update

We are well into fall now. I intended to get some fall family pictures done, but we have been busy and never got around to it. Now, it's quite cold out so I doubt we will get them done. I might see if we could do them this weekend but we are supposed to get snow flurries on Wednesday, so it could be wet.

Preschool and tap dancing are going very well. Makayla loves both of the activities. I work very close to my house, Makayla's sitter's house and the preschool. I had intended to bring Makayla to work with me in the morning and take her to preschool then pick her up when it's over, however, I didn't realize how much of my job seems to take me away from the office on the preschool days (Tuesdays and Thursdays). I have had to get my neighbour whose son goes to the same preschool to take Makayla to preschool at least twice since it started a month ago and when neither she nor I could take the kids one day, they had to miss a class. This week was supposed to be fine, but then something got cancelled on Monday and rescheduled for Thursday at 11am when I'm supposed to be picking Makayla up. I believe that my neighbour can get her that day though. I just hadn't intended for my neighbour to have to help me so much. Thank goodness we're pretty good friends too.

Makayla can now count to 20 without getting mixed up at 15 like she used to. She loves manipulating numbers. She always counts how many kids are at the sitters in the morning then she will break it down to how many girls and how many boys. She has started to ask me about addition, like she will ask "how many is 4 and 4?" I explained how she could use her fingers to add up the numbers and she has started using this technique. She likes the alphabet too and even tries to spell some words. She knows CAT, DOG, YES, NO, MAKAYLA, JOSH. I can't determine if she is going to be right- or left-handed. She can write her name equally well with either hand and she doesn't seem to favour one over the other whether she is writing or eating. I guess time will tell.

Her favourite word lately is "actually" and her favourite colour is light blue. I can't count how many times she's told me that her "favourite colour is blue, ACTUALLY it's light blue". She can now dress and undress herself. Some shirts give her some difficulty going over her head, but overall I can get her some clothes and she can get them on. I did catch her getting frustrated with her pants the other day when she said "Oh, these friggin' pants!" Not cute. I will watch my mouth more carefully from now on.

Makayla and I went to a Thomas the Train live show this weekend. It was quite a pricy event and to be honest, it wasn't that good. If my neighbour and her son hadn't been going, I probably wouldn't have gotten tickets since Makayla isn't a huge Thomas fan. My neighbour purchased the tickets back in May and we got 3rd row floor seats. The seats were awful. You would think that sitting that close, you would have no trouble to see. I wished we had been sitting in the stands because I know the kids would have actually been able to see the show without having to stand on their chairs to see over the adults heads. It was extremely loud too. As soon as the show started, you could hear some kids around us start wailing because they were scared of how loud it was. Overall, the show was too expensive and not very entertaining. Makayla seemed to enjoy it though and that was the main reason for going.

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