Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Potty training - Follow-up

I think we have potty training down as we've had no accidents since last Wednesday. Makayla is still a bit nervous to poop on the toilet, so she will hold it until she urgently has to go. But she will use the toilet at that point.

She woke up this morning and I could hear her calling to me "I have to go pee" over and over again. I went in to get her, and lo and behold, her diaper was dry. We went to the bathroom where she peed. I guess we'll see if this dry diaper in the morning thing happens more often.

1 comment:

Sabrina said...

Pooping is always the hardest part and Alex used to do the same thing. Just look for those clues so you know when she needs to get on there. Have you tried books? Maybe make her own little cool stash of stuff by the toilet so she can play and sit?