Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Potty training - Day 1

Day 1 went about as well as can be expected. At the beginning of the day, Makayla wouldn't tell her sitter when she peed. She would just pee and carry on. Makayla peed on her sitter's couch and floor and ran out of panties, so the sitter resorted to using another kid's underwear. She ran out of pants too, so I took her home with her snowpants on. We resumed the same routine at home of going to the toilet every 20-30 minutes. She peed on the kitchen floor, but like she had by the end of the day at the sitter's, she had told me that she had to pee while she was peeing. She was really freaking out when she peed at the end of the day, so hopefully this is a good sign and she will start recognizing the feeling before she has to pee and not want to have wet pants. Thinking good thoughts for Day 2.

1 comment:

Sabrina said...

Good for you and especially not going the pull up route. I'm sure she'll be trained in no time. They normally hate the feeling of wet when there's nothing there to soak it up. lol Alex was by 2.5 and poop trained by the time she was 3. She was terrified to poop on the toilet which is so common. Luckily it was opposite with Dominic. lol! We're working on Damien and Dominic is being such a help.

Fingers crossed for Day 2.